Events for February 22 - February 12

RoboMac 2024 Lecture – The future of the painting industry with autonomous robots and AI

Room: 223, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Rugjer Boskovikj 18, Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia

GENITOR is a robotics innovation and product development company based in Skopje which aims to introduce advanced robotics solutions by utilizing AI, machine vision, and augmented and virtual reality. GENITOR's first product, Michelangelo, is an autonomous robot designed for indoor wall painting, and will be presented during this technical meeting. Speaker(s): Atanas Tanev, MsC Room: ...

RoboMac 2024 Lecture – The future of the painting industry with autonomous robots and AI

Room: 223, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Rugjer Boskovikj 18, Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia

GENITOR is a robotics innovation and product development company based in Skopje which aims to introduce advanced robotics solutions by utilizing AI, machine vision, and augmented and virtual reality. GENITOR's first product, Michelangelo, is an autonomous robot designed for indoor wall painting, and will be presented during this technical meeting. Speaker(s): Atanas Tanev, MsC Room: ...

RoboMac 2024 Lecture – How can your smart glasses recognize facial gestures and expressions?

Room: 223, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Rugjer Boskovikj 18, Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia

The talk will focus on smart glasses for behavior monitoring by recognizing facial expressions, daily activities, and eating habits. This is achieved by using advanced machine learning algorithms, which interpret the data provided by the sensors located in the frame of the glasses. There will be live presentation of the system. Speaker(s): Hristijan Gjoreski, PhD ...

RoboMac 2024 Lecture – How can your smart glasses recognize facial gestures and expressions?

Room: 223, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Rugjer Boskovikj 18, Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia

The talk will focus on smart glasses for behavior monitoring by recognizing facial expressions, daily activities, and eating habits. This is achieved by using advanced machine learning algorithms, which interpret the data provided by the sensors located in the frame of the glasses. There will be live presentation of the system. Speaker(s): Hristijan Gjoreski, PhD ...

IEEE New Orleans Section – South Lake Life Member Affinity Group Luncheon Meeting

702 Water Street, 702 Water Street, Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

Monthly IEEE New Orleans Section- Life Member Affinity Group Luncheon Social & Meeting event. Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Chair - Thomas E. Slack, Jr Agenda: 12:00pm - 1200hr Luncheon social meeting 1:00pm - 1300hr IEEE Life Member Meeting Old Business New Business Franes Grosz if available HQ update. 2:00pm - 1400hr Motion to adjurn Next ...

Work in the age of artificial intelligence – hosted by The Brookings Institution


Recent advances in AI have convinced a growing number of experts that these technologies will have a profound impact on the nature of work. But questions of the depth and breadth of this impact remain unanswered: Will AI support or replace workers? Which sectors will be most affected? Are there policies that can improve outcomes ...

IEEE SPS SCV – Establishing trust in online media assets: What does it mean and can it be achieved?


Today’s images arise from many sources: digital cameras, film photo scans, photo editing software, generative artificial intelligence, and combinations thereof. These technological innovations allow us to produce novel new imagery and even new knowledge derived from our media assets, but at the same time, they can confuse and even deceive us. The problematic credibility of ...

April Canaveral Section ExCom

Kelsey's Pizza, 1954 US Highway 1, Rockledge, Florida, United States, 32955

Please join us for the April meeting of the Canaveral Section Executive Committee! We are again inviting the LMAG members to join this meeting. We would like to finish rough objectives through the end of the year, including at least one STEM event, one LMAG event, and one Young Professionals event. A complete agenda will ...

Unleash Your Potential: AI-driven Productivity & Workflow Strategies


[] Real-world examples of examples and demos in using AI-assisted tools are introduced to increase your productivity. These tools include actual use of these AI-assisted tools during education week to promote events like Digital Privacy, AI Design Automation, AI Supply Chain Management, and AI-assisted Tutoring as well as for increasing awareness of these events, resulting ...

Resource Allocation and Learning for Wireless Networks

Room: 2.01.24 (Mesquite), Bldg: Student Union. UTSA, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78249-3209

IEEE SPS DL lecture Topic: Resource Allocation and Learning for Wireless Networks: Underwater and Radio Frequency Use Cases Speaker: Dr. Urbashi Mitra, IEEE Fellow, Professor, University of Southern California The lecture will also be available via ZOOM at Here is parking information: Speaker(s): Dr. Mitra, Room: 2.01.24 (Mesquite), Bldg: Student Union. UTSA, One ...

RoboMac 2024 Lecture – Decentralizing AI through Resource-Efficient Mobile Deep Learning

Room: Conference Room, University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Rugjer Boskovikj 18, Skopje, Macedonia, Macedonia

The centralization of data and intelligence poses several risks, including potential privacy breaches, single points of failure, and stifling innovation. Decentralization, on the other hand, remains challenging as edge devices often have to work with limited computing capabilities and battery energy budgets. In this talk, I will present a line of research conducted at the ...

AI Talks with Coffee/Tea No:II

Bldg: Pressed Cafe, 216 S River Rd, Bedford, New Hampshire, United States, 03110, Virtual:

It will be about everything about AI: Expectations, predictions, standards, social cases. Anything you would like to talk. Best regards Agenda: Free style: any topic about AI is welcome. There will be free coffee with IEEE Financial Support again. Best regards Bldg: Pressed Cafe, 216 S River Rd, Bedford, New Hampshire, United States, 03110, Virtual: ...

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