Always connected.  Whether in-person or online, the Life Members community is always active. Stay informed, network, and collaborate with other Life Members.

Connect with a Life Members Affinity Group

Get involved with your local Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) to find programs and events around your area.

Life Member Activities

IEEE Life members engage in many interesting activities through their local Life Member Affinity Group.

Life Members in Collabratec™

IEEE Collabratec LogoCollabratec offers a range of networking and collaboration services. From one platform, generations of IEEE members are becoming more accessible to each other from any location in the world:

  • The IEEE Section hub provides a real-time snapshot of members and activities specific to each Life Member’s geographic affiliation with IEEE.
  • The IEEE Membership Directory is the most current directory of IEEE Members.
    • As of February 2022, about 25,000 of IEEE’s 36,000 Life members participate in the IEEE membership directory.

The Life Members (LM) community page on IEEE Collabratec is a great way to connect with other LMs and stay in-the-know on things that matter to our community. Chat with LMs around the world, plan events, and learn from the community.