Events for March 22 - February 25

CO2 Capture from Point Sources and Air using Solid Sorbents


This is a joint meeting of Canadian Society of Senior Engineers and IEEE Life Members Affinity Groups. This series of presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE ...

IEEE CTS LMAG and CTCN 3.21.2024 meeting- Estate Planning, Trusts, and Wills


Springtime is a good time to plan or review our financial future. We have invited Mr. Mike Karstens of Charles Schwab, Inc. to give a talk on Estate Planning, Trusts, and Wills. He will answer any question you may have in financial services. Speaker(s): Mike Karstens Agenda: 6:00 to 6:05 PM - Open for participants ...

London Life Members' Lunch at Asher's

Room: Asher's Restaurant, Bldg: Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre, 551 Windermere Rd, London, Ontario, Canada

A casual lunch to catch up on what our LMs are doing and gauge interest for other events in 2024 - sponsored by the London Section Life Members Affinity Group Asher's Restaurant at Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre - park at the rear and the entrance is at Asher's ( Agenda: Eat, drink, and be merry! ...

London Life Members' Lunch at Asher's

Room: Asher's Restaurant, Bldg: Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre, 551 Windermere Rd, London, Ontario, Canada

A casual lunch to catch up on what our LMs are doing and gauge interest for other events in 2024 - sponsored by the London Section Life Members Affinity Group Asher's Restaurant at Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre - park at the rear and the entrance is at Asher's ( Agenda: Eat, drink, and be merry! ...

SAMSAT support activity

Bldg: Foxworks, San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology, 903 Buckner Drive, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226

Providing technical support to the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology 1) Modify STEMphone prototype and move to Area 21 2) Design stand for next gen STEMphones with ELO monitors 3) Plan new displays and curate items Lunch will be provided at an area restaurant. Bldg: Foxworks, San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology, ...

Reading a talk by CM Jansky, Jr, IEEE President 1934 on his brother, Karl Guthe Jansky, PhD


[] Join us for a reading of a talk by CM Jansky, Jr "who was a participant at many conferences dealing with radio regulations, broadcast planning, and radio navigation and sea rescue. He became a member of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now the Institute of Electrical and Electronic engineers) in 1918, being made a ...

Coastal SC Section and Life Member ExCom


March 2024 Section and Life Member ExCom All are welcome to attend, officers are voting members Co-sponsored by: Coastal South Carolina Life Members Agenda: 1700 Meeting opens 1705 Attendance 1710 Old Business: Updates on upcoming events (Charleston Air Show, Tours, Distinguished lecturer, etc.) 1745 New Business: 1800 Meeting Adjourn Virtual:

IEEE Stammtisch at EPFL – LiDAR mapping : Technology and applications

Room: MED 0 1418 auditoire Adrien Palaz, Bldg: MED, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland, Switzerland, 1015

The IEEE Student Branch at EPFL and the Switzerland Life Member Affinity Group invite you to an interesting talk, followed by discussion and apero. Attendance is free, registration is optional. Dr. Julien Vallet, Director of Sixense Helimap SA, will present LiDAR used for mapping. Abstract: Since now more than 25 years, LiDAR technology appeared in ...

Introduction to Electronic Warfare

Room: Alumni Conference Room, Bldg: University Center , One Camino Santa Maria, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78228

Abstract: Modern militaries are dominated by technological advances, especially the use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic Warfare is the study of preventing adversary’s electromagnetic technologies from functioning while ensuring that allies electromagnetic technologies function successfully. This talk will discuss military intelligence, radar jamming, flares, drones, and much more. BIO: Harrison began his career working at ...

Benefits and Risks of Affective-Empathic AI, Standards and Ethics


This roundtable aims to provide a candid exploration of empathic AI (Artificial Intelligence), and Affective Computing balancing the exciting possibilities with the critical need for privacy, human rights, and adherence to standards like the forthcoming IEEE 7014. The expansive expertise of the panelists ensures a rich and insightful discussion, offering valuable perspectives for anyone interested ...

LMAG Luncheon – Rose Hotel, Chippendale – Tuesday 26 March

52-54 Cleveland Street , Chippendale, New South Wales, Australia, 2008

You are invited to join other members at for lunch at the Rose Hotel, Chippendale at 1230hrs on Tuesday 26 March. For those interested the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the ...

SusTech Talk – Groundwater as a Rescue for Sustaining Agriculture with Farmer’s Decision


IEEE SusTech is hosting talks on Sustainability topics leading up to the 2024 conference in April. “Groundwater as a Rescue for Sustaining Agriculture with Farmer’s Decision” with Shakeel Ahmed, Visiting Professor, Islamic University of Science and Technology, J&K, India; Former Chief Scientist, CSIR - National Geophysical Research Institute and former Team-Leader, Indo-French Centre for Groundwater ...

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