Join us for a reading of a talk by CM Jansky, Jr "who was a participant at many conferences dealing with radio regulations, broadcast planning, and radio navigation and sea rescue. He became a member of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now the Institute of Electrical and Electronic engineers) in 1918, being made a Fellow Member in 1928. He was President of the Institute in 1934 and a member of its Board of Directors from 1929 to 1942. He was senior partner of the firm Jansky and Bailey, consulting radio engineers, of Washington, D.C."
"Karl Guthe Jansky died in Red Bank, New Jersey in February, 1950 at the age of forty-four. In the trying period that followed his death I told the members of his family that his contribution to basic science was such that the full value of his discovery would not be recognized for at least half a century. How wrong can a man be! Here just six years later I found myself before a group of astronomers, physicists and radio engineers far more competent that I, viewing with amazement the progress which has taken place in recent years in a new branch of astronomy based upon a scientific discovery made by a man I am proud to say was my brother."
"From an after-dinner address by C. M. Jansky, Jr., at the 94th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Columbus, Ohio, March 23, 1956."
The photographs with this article, not otherwise credited, are by courtesy of Mary Jansky Striffler, sister of Karl Jansky, and Marguerite Jansky Froscher, daughter of C. M. Jansky, Jr."
"C. M. Jansky, Jr. (1895-1975) was born in Barry County, Michigan. After receiving the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Wisconsin in
1917 and 1919, respectively, he taught radio communications and electronics at the University of Minnesota from 1920 to 1929, becoming associate
professor of radio engineering. In 1920, he established the first radio broadcasting station west of the Mississippi River at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mr. Jansky was a participant at many conferences dealing with radio regulations, broadcast planning, and radio navigation and sea rescue. He
became a member of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now the Institute of Electrical and Electronic engineers) in 1918, being made a Fellow Member in 1928. He was President of the Institute in 1934 and a member of its Board of Directors from 1929 to 1942. He was senior partner of the firm Jansky and Bailey, consulting radio engineers, of Washington, D.C."
Copyright © 1979-2004 Cosmic Quest, Inc., Ohio State University Radio Observatory and North
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