Events for October 8 - October 7

Coastal South Carolina September ExCom


Coastal South Carolina Section September ExCom All members welcome to attend Agenda: 01700 Attendance 1705 Old business 1730 New business 1800 Adjourn Virtual:

LMAG Luncheon – Tuesday 24 September – Brighton RSL

Brighton RSL Club, 351 Bay Street , Brighton Le Sands, New South Wales, Australia, 2216

You are invited to join other members at Brighton RSL, Brighton Le Sands for lunch at 1230hrs on Tuesday 24 September. For those interested the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the ...

SusTech Talk Sept 2024 – Application of Sustainable Technologies in the Arctic


SusTech 2025 is hosting talks on Sustainability topics. “Unmet needs and unintended consequences: Considerations for the application of sustainable technologies in the Arctic” with Jennifer Rachels, Alaska Engagement Lead, Idaho National Lab Date/Time: Tuesday September 24th, 6:00 – 7:00 pm PDT Abstract: The application of sustainable technologies in the Arctic context requires consideration of weather ...

Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Victor B Lawrence, PhD 24 September 8pm EST


The Careers in Technology Fall Series begins on 24 September at 8pm Eastern Time with: Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE Fellow, National Inventors Hall of Fame. In the introduction, Dr Lawrence’s preparation for a career at Bell Labs in Advanced Communication Technologies will be discussed. Then Dr Lawrence will conduct a detailed deep dive ...

Broadcast to the SmartPhone


Remote Meeting of the Poland Section Life Members Affinity Group September 25, 2024, 12:30-13:00 Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich H. Reimers Broadcast to the SmartPhone Today´s universal personal media hub is the SmartPhone. Taking advantage of its enormous data processing capabilities, the built-in multi-GigaByte memory and its connectivity to the outside world via WiFi, 4G ...

IEEE New Orleans Section – South Lake Life Member Affinity Group Luncheon Meeting

Bldg: Martins Seafood Restaurant & Bar, 702 Water Street, 702 Water Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70447

The purpose of this meeting is social, and business discuss what is happening with the Local IEEE Section and areas in which we can support the section. Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller., Chair South Lake Life Member Affinity Group Agenda: 12:00 pm - 1200 hrs. Registration and social 12:30 pm - 1230 hrs. Lunch 1:30 pm ...

September 2024 Central GA IEEE Meeting: Bulk Transmission Planning with Georgia Transmission Corp.

Room: 201, Bldg: Science and Engineering Building (SEB), 1501 Mercer University Dr, Macon, Georgia, United States, 31207

Please make time to join the Central GA IEEE section on September 26th 2024 at 6:30PM ET in room 201 of the Science and Engineering Building at Mercer University for the September meeting regarding bulk transmission planning. Our speaker will be Thomas Leslie with Georgia Transmission Corporation (GTC). A group will likely be meeting for ...

September Canaveral Section Meeting


Please join us for the September meeting of the Canaveral Section Executive Committee! LMAG members are encouraged to attend this meeting. The main topics again will be planning through the end of year, including discussions on the upcoming R3/A3 Cyber Security symposium and the SmallSat Education Conference that our section is co sponsoring, and the ...

IEEE Comsoc Distinguished Lecture Tour: Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing and Communications

Bldg: Cal Lutheran Center for Entrepreneurship (Hub101), 31416 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village, California, United States, 91361, Virtual:

In this talk, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC, collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing the coexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing and wireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic ...

Basis change, projection, and relative linear algebra tricks in signal and image processing


Some basic linear algebra problems: basis change and projection, are discussed together examples of their applications in signal and image processing. In typical linear algebra university courses perpendicular projections are only discussed. However, in image processing, e.g. for defining various color spaces, we need non-perpendicular projections. That is why this is the key problem in ...

IEEE MS Section LMAG sponsored EXCOM Meeting

University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States, 39406

An IEEE MS Section LMAG sponsored event to bring officers from all affinity groups, societies and students branches for training and collaboration. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States, 39406

Konrad Zuse and Switzerland

ENTER Technikwelt, Gewerbestrasse 4, Derendingen, Switzerland, Switzerland, 4552

Prof. Dr. Horst Zuse, the son of computer pioneer Konrad Zuse, presents new and previously unpublished findings about the sale of numerous Zuse computers to Switzerland. Dr. Christof Traber will demonstrate the replica Z3 computer of ENTER. This meeting will be in German. Free entrance for IEEE Members registering on IEEE event. CHF 40.- for ...

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