Events for March 6 - February 27 › Meetings of Interest

The Public Switching Telephone Network, do we still have one


During the 90’s the newly branded Telstra continues to radically digitise and expand the public switched telephone network, but it is no longer alone. During 1991 the Government issued a second telecommunications carrier licence, the process of public switched telephone network competition had begun. “Trunk bypass” allowed customers to select a long distance carrier for ...

IEEE R9 LMAG – Webinar "Climate Change" – David Bondurant (03/AUG/2023)


Los Grupos de Afinidad de Socios Vitalicios del IEEE (LMAG) de Argentina, Monterrey, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico y Uruguay extienden una cordial invitación para asistir al webinario que se realizará el próximo jueves 3 de agosto de 2023, de 18:00 a 19:30 hora de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UTC-3:00), en el que David Bondurant disertará sobre ...

IEEE Buffalo Section Summer Social August 3, 2023

Woodcock Brothers Brewery, 908 Niagara Falls Blvd, North Tonawanda, New York, United States, 14120

The Buffalo Section Summer Social is an ideal time to enjoy an evening with IEEE Buffalo Section Officers and Members. Come join us for a very pleasant summer event. Dress: Engineer casual Cost: IEEE Members and guests $15 per person (cash or check made out to IEEE Buffalo Section) Reservations: By August 2, 2023 Contact: ...

CIT Summer Series – David A. Fisher – Why Software Fails and Why AI cannot Help


This is a weekly session of the CIT Summer Series, with David A Fisher presenting Why Software Fails and Why AI cannot Help : It was once widely believed that computers would enhance the speed, reliability, and applicability of human deductive reasoning in the physical and social sciences, much as motorized vehicles (e.g., cars, trains, ...

IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting

Central Market, 4001 N. Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas, United States, 78756

The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business, including the annual Life Member luncheon and plans for 2024. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Prospects for a workshop. Other business. Central Market, 4001 ...

IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting

Central Market, 4001 N. Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas, United States, 78756

The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business, including the annual Life Member luncheon and plans for 2024. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Prospects for a workshop. Other business. Central Market, 4001 ...

Palm Beach Section Life Member Affinity Group Kickoff Event


An IEEE Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) is a group of Life Members within a Section who get together to meet regularly, enjoy periodic social or technical discussions, and do outreach projects within your community to mentor the next generation of technical innovators. 144 LMAGs have already been formed in all Regions of the world. ...

Palm Beach Section Life Member Affinity Group Kickoff Event


An IEEE Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) is a group of Life Members within a Section who get together to meet regularly, enjoy periodic social or technical discussions, and do outreach projects within your community to mentor the next generation of technical innovators. 144 LMAGs have already been formed in all Regions of the world. ...

In Person Lunch and Talk by Nick Marziani

Hurst, Texas, United States, 76054

Volunteer opportunities in Science and Technology for high school students being home schooled. Speaker(s): Nick, Agenda: Meet 11:45 AM, Talk 12:00 PM, Adjourn 1:20 PM Hurst, Texas, United States, 76054

Luncheon – Tuesday 8 August – Seven Hills RSL

108 Best Road, Seven Hills, New South Wales, Australia, 2147

You are invited to join other members at the Seven Hills RSL for lunch at 1230hrs on Tuesday 8 August. It is less than a 10 minute stroll from Seven Hills station. For those interested the menu can be found at ( These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated ...

LMAG Tulsa ExCom August 9 2023

Bldg: Mom's Family Diner, 4101 S Mingo Rd, Southeast corner of E 41st St & S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, 74146

Tulsa Section Life Member Affinty Group Executive Committee Meeting All members welcome to attend and discuss IEEE issues and activities Primary objective is planning LMAG meetings and activities for 2023 and election of officers. Agenda: Lunch from menu, $5/person, remainder covered by LMAG Welcome any members that choose to join the meeting Review Minutes, discuss ...

LMAG Tulsa ExCom August 9 2023

Bldg: Mom's Family Diner, 4101 S Mingo Rd, Southeast corner of E 41st St & S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, 74146

Tulsa Section Life Member Affinty Group Executive Committee Meeting All members welcome to attend and discuss IEEE issues and activities Primary objective is planning LMAG meetings and activities for 2023 and election of officers. Agenda: Lunch from menu, $5/person, remainder covered by LMAG Welcome any members that choose to join the meeting Review Minutes, discuss ...

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