Events for March 19 - March 12 › Meetings of Interest

„Rechnen mit QuBits“, „Ultraschall: unhörbar, aber unerhört vielseitig"


Dr. Math. Christian Deppe „Rechnen mit QuBits“ Prof. Helmut Ermert „Ultraschall: unhörbar, aber unerhört vielseitig (Ein Streifzug durch die Möglichkeiten der diagnostischen und der therapeutischen Anwendungen der Ultraschalltechnik in der Medizin)“ Virtual:

Hamilton-KW Life Member spring lunch and meeting

Southcote 53 Tap and Grill, 534 Garner Road E, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, L9G 3K9

Semi-annual lunch and presentation. Speaker(s): Jeremy Wang, Agenda: 11:30 Arrival 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Speaker 2:00 Adjourn Southcote 53 Tap and Grill, 534 Garner Road E, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, L9G 3K9

Hamilton-KW Life Member spring lunch and meeting

Southcote 53 Tap and Grill, 534 Garner Road E, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, L9G 3K9

Semi-annual lunch and presentation. Speaker(s): Jeremy Wang, Agenda: 11:30 Arrival 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Speaker 2:00 Adjourn Southcote 53 Tap and Grill, 534 Garner Road E, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, L9G 3K9

2024-Q2-Germany-LMAG Meeting


Nächstes Treffen Verschiedenes Virtual:

"CYBERSECURITY FOR ENGINEERS" Hosted by Technology and Engineering Management (TEM) and Life Members(LMAG), Boston Chapter


Introduction: Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. This lecture is to assist by providing explanations, examples and practices on fundamental principles of a variety of cybersecurity topics, without getting bogged down into technical details Purpose: This lecture is intended to provide ONLY an initial introduction to the field of cybersecurity. Beginning with a ...

June 2024 – Home and Small Business Best Practices in Cyber Security


For the June meeting, the Alabama Section has invited Joe Parker of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to present program on “Cyber Security Threats & Best Practices” APPLIED TO HOME AND SMALL BUSINESS. CISA is the Nation’s risk advisor. The Agency protects the Nation’s critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats by working with ...

Luncheon – Tuesday 4 June – Spicy Joint, Chinatown

25-29 Dixon St, Haymarket, New South Wales, Australia, 2000

You are invited to join other members at Spicy Joint restaurant, Chinatown for lunch. at 1230hrs on Tuesday 4 June. The entrance to the restaurant is up an escalator at the SW corner of Goulburn and Dixon Sts. These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics. Take it as ...

The Role of Interactive Graphics in Drug and Vaccine Design

Bldg: golf course restaurant, Beeb's Sports Bar and Grill, 915 Clubhouse Drive , Livermore, California, United States, 94551

Thomas Ferrin of UCSF will describe 3D imaging of the Corona virus. He will be bringing virtual reality imaging equipment for demonstration and for use by the audience. Interactive computer graphics has been used for more than 60 years to visualize and analyze 3-D molecular structures such as DNA and proteins, and has contributed to ...



Reunión Responsables de Grupos de Afinidad de Miembros Vitalicios de Región 9 Virtual:



Reunión Responsables de Grupos de Afinidad de Miembros Vitalicios de Región 9 Virtual:

Why Electric Vehicles ?

Room: 11th floor, Bldg: Engineers Australia, 108 King William St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5000

Electric vehicles were defeated by internal combustion engine vehicles 100 years ago. Why are they coming back? Some of them have good acceleration, but they are expensive, the electricity to charge them is generated from coal, the range is low, they take a long time to recharge, there is not enough charging infrastructure, and the ...

Webinario "Control Automático aplicado a Medicina y Neurociencias" – Ricardo Sánchez-Peña – Jueves 6/JUN/2024, 18:00 AR (GMT-3)


Webinario "Control Automático aplicado a Medicina y Neurociencias" El jueves 6 de junio de 2024, a las 18:00 AR (GMT-3:00) tendremos la próxima reunión del LMAG IEEE AR. En esta oportunidad el PhD Ing. Ricardo Sánchez-Peña disertará sobre "Control Automático aplicado a Medicina y Neurociencias". Es esta una excelente ocasión para encontrarnos en el día ...

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