Please mark your calendar for 29 May 2024, at 2:00 pm Eastern time, and join us for a virtual presentation!

We invite you to the IEEE Foundation and IEEE History Center virtual event to celebrate the bicentenary of Lord Kelvin’s birth on 26 June 1824.

Kelvin-Event-Social-PostSpeaking of Numbers—Measurement, Quantification, and Kelvin’s Dictum:
The keynote speaker, Daniel Jon Mitchell DPhil., Senior Historian of the IEEE History Center will explore the deep meaning of “The Kelvin Dictum” quoted above in its historical context.

For Kelvin and those he inspired, measurement was just one part of a more extensive program of quantification that spanned concept formation, physical theory, mathematics, and metrology. When viewed this way, quantification becomes a central theme that unifies Kelvin’s significant achievements in science and engineering—and stands as a considerable achievement in its own right.

Event Details:
Date: 29 May 2024
Time: 2:00 pm Eastern Time

We are excited to have you join us as we present a rich historical picture of Lord Kelvin’s remarkable achievements. For additional information, contact Laura Bessey, Donor Engagement Specialist, at or +1 732-465-7817