The subject of the 2023 HISTELCON Conference was “Science and Technology or Technology and Science?”.
In 2008, IEEE Region 8 promoted the first of a series of conferences on the history of electrical technology (HISTELCON), which took place in Paris and then continued, every second year or so, in various locations of Region 8 and beyond.

HISTELCON 2023 participants
This year, HISTELCON has returned to Italy, to the magnificent Florence, where in the 17th century, Galileo Galilei, the father of modern science, in his old age, used to explore the sky. While in the 20th century, young Enrico Fermi developed the statistic theory, which is the basis of the study of semiconductors.
Before the Conference, the Italian Life Member Affinity Group held a hybrid meeting, with some Life members attending in person and others connecting via the Internet. The attendees were addressed by leaders of Region 8 and Italy Section: Vincenzo Piuri, Director of Region 8; Tiziana Tambosso, chair of the Conference Committee of Region 8; Martin Bastiaans, chair of the History Activity of Region 8; and Sergio Rapuano, past chair the Italy Section.
Hugo Wyss, chair of the Swiss Life Member Affinity Group, was also present and highlighted the figure of Roger Wellinger, a memorable promoter of initiatives, including Eurocon, in R8. In the following discussion, the active role of Life members, in particular for the promotion of Milestones proposals, was pointed out.
After lunch, all the attendees had the opportunity to join the opening session of HISTELCON, which took place in a nearby venue.
Content provided by Antonio Savini, IEEE Italy Section LMAG coordinator