Look for more details about speaker topics in the upcoming in-depth speaker coverage posts. In the meantime, here is a quick glimpse of day one session speakers:


Michael Philips

Michael Phillips
Director of Technology Strategy Integration
Topic: Bridging the Age-Tech Gap: Enhancing Access to Innovative and Age-Friendly Tech Solutions

julie shah

Julie Shah
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Topic: Robotics

Prof Sonde photo

Dr. R. R. Sonde, PhD
IIT Delhi
Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering
Topic: Accelerating transition to Hydrogen Economy globally and India’s evolving story on Hydrogen Valley Innovation

Andres Carvallo Headshot

Andres Carvallo
CMG Consulting
Founder and CEO
Topic: Advancing Towards a Sustainable Future: Renewable Energy and Sustainability

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