This past March, IEEE Life Members from the Hamilton LMAG participated in the Project Youth Energy (PYE) Job Fair held at the Delta Hotel in Toronto, Canada.

Project Youth Energy is an initiative of The Institute for 21st Century Questions that aims to destabilize the educational, social, and professional trajectories of youth in Ontario destabilized by the pandemic-period school closures. In 2023, Terry Branch, IEEE Hamilton Section Life Member, was invited to speak at the Global Summit of the Worldwide Commission to Educate All Kids (Post-Pandemic). This prestigious event brings together leaders and experts from various fields to discuss and address the challenges faced by the education sector in the post-pandemic era. This opportunity led to IEEE’s booth at the PYE Job Fair.

ieee boothTerry Branch and John Harris staffed a booth that showcased IEEE offerings and opportunities to interested students. Murray McDonald (London Section); and Asaf Maruf and Patrick Nkwari (Hamilton Section) provided the promotional materials for the event.

The materials highlighted how IEEE can enhance their academic and professional journey, offering opportunities to connect with peers, benefit from mentorship by experienced professionals, and engage in student branch committees.

The Life members also shared that by getting involved, students can gain leadership experience, develop strong organizational skills, and build valuable relationships that will shape their future in academia and industry, empowering them and making them feel capable and connected.