Events for March 16, 2025 › Meetings of Interest

Life Member February Meeting with Tech Talk, Harmonics in Power Systems, a quick overview

Room: meeting room, Bldg: La Fonda Alamo Heights Resturant, 8633 Crownhill Blvd, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78209

Nonlinear components draw current disproportionately with respect to the source voltage, causing non-sinusoidal current waveforms. Examples of nonlinear components include gas-discharge lamps, semiconductor power-control devices and switching power supplies. Speaker(s): , Curtis Cryer Agenda: 11:30 am: Business meeting: Call to order, minutes of last meeting, treasurer's report, new business, 12:00 pm: Lunch 12:30 pm: Technical ...

Life Member South Lake Affinity Group

4141 Ct Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115

Informatl social lunchiion. Attendies pay for own lunch if desired. All are invited. Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Chair - Thomas E. Slack, Jr Agenda: 12:00pm - 1200 hrs Social Meeting 12:20pm - 1220 hrs Order Lunch 12:30pm - 1230 hrs Lunch 1:00pm - 1300 hrs Open general meeting over lunch (OLD BUSINESS - THEN - ...

Life Member South Lake Affinity Group

4141 Ct Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115

Informatl social lunchiion. Attendies pay for own lunch if desired. All are invited. Co-sponsored by: Richard Miller, Chair - Thomas E. Slack, Jr Agenda: 12:00pm - 1200 hrs Social Meeting 12:20pm - 1220 hrs Order Lunch 12:30pm - 1230 hrs Lunch 1:00pm - 1300 hrs Open general meeting over lunch (OLD BUSINESS - THEN - ...

Advancing the Bio-Economy with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI and ML)


This series of presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE members depending upon the topic. At the same time the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers (CSSE) is ...

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