Advancing the Bio-Economy with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI and ML)

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This series of presentations has been occurring for more than 20 years and is now being also advertised to the IEEE Northern Canada Section (NCS) Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) through vTools and other IEEE LMAG's and IEEE members depending upon the topic. At the same time the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers (CSSE) is using their national organization to provide information, the subject and speaker to members across Canada.
The February meeting of the Edmonton Chapter of CSSE will be held on Thursday February 15, 2024. The Meeting will open at 12:30 pm MST (2:30pm Eastern), with the presentation starting at 12:45 (2:45pm EST). If you plan to attend and be included on the Zoom invite for this meeting please respond to Tom Madsen, [email protected], before noon on Wednesday February 14. The meeting will be held via the Zoom platform with the actual invitations sent the afternoon of Wednesday February 14.
Please note the meeting originates in Alberta which is in the Mountain Time Zone, so if you are in another province you must account for any necessary time shift.
Presentation: Advancing the Bio-Economy with AI and ML
The world is responding to the environmental burdens of humanity such as GHG emissions, plastic and other wastes. As we work to deal with these population induced and behavioural problems, biology would appear to offer the only realistic long term answers. Most of our issues relate to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – as they are the basic building blocks for many of the products we use. We have transitioned to using fossilized hydrocarbons, but the molecules involved in these materials are almost all produced naturally by Mother Nature. Industrializing Mother Nature by increasing biological productivity and reducing her geographic foot print is the key to accelerating the carbon cycle and reducing negative impacts.
SynBioBlox Innovations, is well down the path of doing just that with leading-edge tools and processes that are demonstrating their potential to speed up development of enhanced biological organisms with tailored designs that can achieve the productivity and efficiency required for economic viability. This presentation will explain how this work is moving forward right here in Edmonton in areas as diverse as food, cosmetics and fuel.
Speaker: John McDougall, P.Eng. CEO, SynBioBlox

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