Events for March 17, 2025 › Meetings of Interest

IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Annual Meeting 2023 & Life Members meeting

Room: 101 (first floor), Husova 240/5, Praha, Czech Republic, Czech Republic, Virtual:

English version follows Vážení členové Československé sekce IEEE, dovolte nám pozvat vás na valnou hromadu, která se uskuteční v pátek dne 19. 1. 2024 v prostorách ÚTEF ČVUT v Praze, Husova 240/5, Praha, Samotné valné hromadě bude předcházet setkání skupiny Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) a přednáška Dr. Richarda Selbyho "Development of Telecommunications", na ...

A Brief History of Building a Time Machine: Developing NIRCam on the James Webb Space Telescope and Recent Findings

Sunnyvale, California, United States, Virtual:

This presentation is about the very recent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Its major science objectives include: 1) Detect the first stars to ever emit light, 2) Show us how galaxies and stars were formed in the early universe and 3) Study planets orbiting other stars outside our solar system. It was successfully launched in ...

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