Events for February 1, 2025 › Meetings of Interest

IEEE R9 LMAG – Webinar "Climate Change" – David Bondurant (03/AUG/2023)


Los Grupos de Afinidad de Socios Vitalicios del IEEE (LMAG) de Argentina, Monterrey, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico y Uruguay extienden una cordial invitación para asistir al webinario que se realizará el próximo jueves 3 de agosto de 2023, de 18:00 a 19:30 hora de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UTC-3:00), en el que David Bondurant disertará sobre ...

IEEE Buffalo Section Summer Social August 3, 2023

Woodcock Brothers Brewery, 908 Niagara Falls Blvd, North Tonawanda, New York, United States, 14120

The Buffalo Section Summer Social is an ideal time to enjoy an evening with IEEE Buffalo Section Officers and Members. Come join us for a very pleasant summer event. Dress: Engineer casual Cost: IEEE Members and guests $15 per person (cash or check made out to IEEE Buffalo Section) Reservations: By August 2, 2023 Contact: ...

CIT Summer Series – David A. Fisher – Why Software Fails and Why AI cannot Help


This is a weekly session of the CIT Summer Series, with David A Fisher presenting Why Software Fails and Why AI cannot Help : It was once widely believed that computers would enhance the speed, reliability, and applicability of human deductive reasoning in the physical and social sciences, much as motorized vehicles (e.g., cars, trains, ...

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