LIMNI is an interdisciplinary institute for micro- and nanoscale integration. The four focus points and pillars of the research at the LIMNI institute are nanomaterial and material characterization, bio-nanosystems, nanoelectronics and physical Micro- and nanosystems. Its mission is integration and cross-fertilization between these clusters to address tomorrow’s challenges in the fields of Telecommunications & Connectivity, Quality of Life, Mobility and Sustainability.
LIMNI’s overarching perspective, integration of a high-end infrastructure with expertise that stretches across disciplines, stimulates the creation of ground-breaking projects and numerous innovative researches beyond. LIMNI is an excellent integrated point of access for not only consortium building but also to provide win-win valorization opportunities for both KU Leuven researchers and external partners.
Participation to this on-site event is free of charge for all LMAG members. Please register by sending a registration email to LMAG secretary prof. em. François Litt [email protected] before 27 September 2022
Speaker(s): Prof Michael Kraft, Dr. Nadezda Kuznetsova
12:30 – 14:00
Get together and sandwich lunch in Alma Quadrivium, Celestijnenlaan 200H, 3001 Heverlee / Leuven Belgium
14:00 – 14:15
Introduction to LIMNI, prof. Michael Kraft, LIMNI director
14:15 – 14:45
Dr. Nadezda Kuznetsova
14:45 – 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 – 15:30
Dr. Kunal Mali; All about SPM and beyond
15:30 – 16:15
Tour to the clean room/nanocenter-SPM
16:15 – 17:15
Tour at ESAT
Room: Curie – 492-31.00.118, Bldg: Celestijnenlaan 200F, KU Leuven – Campus Heverlee , Celestijnenlaan 200F, Heverlee / Leuven, Unknown, Belgium, 3001