Louisville & Lexington Sections Joint Holiday Party

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Electric vehicle charging is a core piece of the energy transition programs promulgated by numerous interests. During this session, the characteristics of various charging platforms will be examined for performance, codes and standards, and the impact on electrical power distribution.
Speaker(s): Mitch Simmons
6:00 PM – Reception with Cash Bar
7:00 PM – Dinner
7:30 PM – Presentation
Menu: Dinner Buffet, Sponsored Bar
Price: $20 members and guests. $10 life members and students. Pay at the door. Cash or Check.
RSVP: Tim Brooks, Secretary, Louisville Section. Please RSVP to [email protected] no later than Nov. 29th.
Please note that we must pay for all dinners that we reserve.
Bldg: University of Louisville Golf Club, 401 Champions Way, Simpsonville, Kentucky, United States, 40067

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