Life Member South Lake Affinity Group

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Monthly IEEE New Orleans Section North Lake Life Member Affinity Group Meeting
Co-sponsored by: LM50051 – New Orleans Section Affinity Group,LM-A
12:00 pm CST – 1200 hr CST – Meeting Commences with introduction of attendees.
12:10 pm CST – 1210 hr CST – Social meeting and order individual lunchCS
12:45 pm CST – 1245 hr CST – Meeting Commences with Old Business over lunch
Richard Miller – Presents coming section events
Francis Grose – Presents HQ Update – If Available
Members proposals and input
New Business
2:00 pm CST – 1400 hr. CST– Meeting Adjourn
Bldg: Mortan Bar and Seafood Restaurant, 702 Water St., , Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

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