Our LMAG is now chartered. This is a kickoff meeting to plan our activities.
Who are we?
How can we share engineering and fellowship?
How can we share engineering with the community?
Introductions — who is here, quick round of self-introductions
Future Birds of a Feather (social) — in-person or virtual?
— any ideas to share
— have you been volunteering for any STEM activities?
science fair, robotics, math team, or anything else?
Some ideas from Gene Chang
— share our Career Journeys
— TryEngineering community events
visit https://tryengineering.org before the meeting and bring your thoughts.
The region LM organization has granted us a small fund for hosting four community events. The funds are for supplies, and snacks. Let's put this to good use.
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/353442