Please join us for the June meeting of the Canaveral Section Executive Committee! We are again inviting the LMAG members to join this meeting.
This is the last meeting of the quarter, and at this time we are not planning to meet in July.
The main topics again will be budget and planning through the end of year. Including at least one STEM event, one LMAG event, and one Young Professionals event.
A complete agenda will be posted in updates to this Event. The meeting is slotted for 6 PM to 8:30 PM and guests are welcome any time. However, we will end the meeting earlier if we complete all business.
Please register for this in-person meeting; we will be meeting at Kelsey’s Pizza in Rockledge, and dinner for attendees will be covered by IEEE. If any officers or representatives can’t make this meeting please let us know.
Future ExCom meetings may shift locations around the section geographic area. Suggestions for future host locations within Canaveral Section are solicited from the membership
As of June 24. This agenda is subject to change.
1. Introductions, contacts, and member exchanges
2. Approval of agenda
3. Old Business:
(a) Officer reports (Section, Chapters, AGs)
(b) Special representative reports (PACE)
4. New business
(a) Near term upcoming events / calendar (next 3 months)
7/10 – Melbourne Magic Show
7/11 – Repeater Basics (collab with Long Island Section to stir up interest in Canaveral Joint AESS/COMSOC chapter)
9/7 – Security Conference – Working on speaker requests to Space Force
(b) Next Canaveral Section meeting
Recommend venue in Titusville to encourage participation from northern members
(c) Far Term Events
Rocket Recorder (PACE/STEM): Demo, Melbourne coordination, getting additional sponsors.
ASK: Find local STEM-friendly sponsors. Logistics
Holding meetings in North Brevard (e.g. tour of space museum)
ASK: Recommended meeting venues
5. Open Floor / New Topics for discussion
Space Coast LabVIEW User Group event (quarterly meetings)
ASK: Recommendations for topics, logistics
Senior member elevations program from Florida Council
ASK: Any interest in being mentors/references
R3 Industry Engagement and Outreach
Potential Picoballoons event
6. Adjourn / Closing Remarks
Kelsey's Pizza, 1954 US Highway 1, Rockledge, Florida, United States, 32955