July 20, 2023, 3rd Thursday of the month Life Member Meeting

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Life Member social luncheon & ExCom Meeting
Co-sponsored by: Thomas E Slack, North Lake Life Member Affinity Group Chair
12:00 PM CDT – 1200 hrs. CDT – Oppen meeting with Lunch Order & Social Meeting
01:00 PM CDT – 1300 hrs. CDT – ExCom Meeting -Starting with Old Business
Discus how we can support STEM & the local university student branch
Discus proposals for Section Technical Meetings.
New Business
02:00 PM CDT – 1400 hrs. CDT – adjourn Nex Meeting August 17, 2023
Next meeting is scheduled to be held on the third Thursday July 20,2023 at New Orleans Hamberger and Sea-Food Restaurant, 4141 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana 70115.
4141 Ct Charles Ave, 4141 Ct Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 70115

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