Buffalo Section ExCom meeting

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IEEE Buffalo Section Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
6:30 PM, Thursday, May 23, 2024
In Person (SUNY Buffalo State University, Technology Building 148)
Virtual on Zoom
1) Call to Order
2) Review minutes from April 18, 2024 meeting (Vasili)
3) Review treasurer report (Mike W)
4) Review Membership Report (Mike W)
a. Upcoming Events
i. Update on upcoming TeraTech Conference – Vasili
5) Action Items from November Meeting
i. Discussions on forming Education Society chapter – progress report (Mike)
6) Membership/Society
a. EDS
b. Computer
c. Control
d. Communication
g. PES
h. Women in Engineering
i. Young Professionals
j. Life Members
k. NTC
l. Photonics
7) Review New Action Items:
a. Consultants Network (Greg)
b. Advertisement on social media (Greg)
c. Tour to Niagara Falls Tunnels joint with Hamilton section (Greg, Padma)
8) Adjourn
Next ExCom Meetings / Locations:
Room: 148, Bldg: Technology, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York, United States, 14222, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/420668

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