Vincenzo Piuri, R8 Director-Elect, invited about 50 volunteers to participate in the IEEE R8 Strategy Retreat 2022, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10-11 September 2022. The invited participants represented OpCom members, appointed members, committee chairs, and members. All are volunteering regional activities and are relevant for each of the topics on which the R8 Committee is focusing attention at the regional and the section level. The topics for discussion were volunteer pipeline, student retention, and financial sources—and eight teams in half-day sessions discussed each topic. The teams provided oral reports and a written summary at the end.
Four LMs attended the event from four different R8 Sections. The seats had been pre-assigned to ensure as much diversity as possible. The participants enjoyed working in the mixed teams of students, YPs, higher grade, and life grade members. Young and elderly members reported respectfully about the skills and competency of the “other group.” Hopefully, that experience will be continued for the benefit of the R8 members.
Content provided by Peter Magyar, R8 Life Members Subcommittee Chair