The IEEE Life Members Conference acknowledges and celebrates the invaluable contributions of Life members and others to the engineering and technology community. 

IEEE MedalThis is your chance to be a part of an event that honors the milestones and accomplishments of individuals in technical professions like yourself. People need both recognition and appreciation. Simply put, recognition is about what people do; appreciation is acknowledging who they are as individuals.

Many studies have shown the importance of recognition. For employees, recognition is one of the most important drivers of employee performance. Yet, it is the least practiced initiative. There are many ways to celebrate recognition, both formally and informally. In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey wrote, “Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival, to be understood, to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated.“ And it can be even better when someone else notices our achievements and makes the effort to acknowledge them.

This is part of what this conference is about. The Life Members Committee wants to recognize and appreciate people who have been involved in making our profession what it is today—from the formal keynote talks to the more informal discussions during the breaks and other socializing venues. You can use this conference to become a better contributor in many facets of life, whether still working or retired.

Here are some things you can do at this conference to recognize and reward achievements:

  • Share success stories: Talk about your journey.
  • Pay it forward: Mentor (formally or informally) and share your experiences with younger people in the profession.
  • Take time for yourself: Get out of your normal environment, learn and grow, and attend a lecture on a subject you want to know more about.
  • Reflect: Talking, socializing, and being with a group of people with shared common interests and professional histories gives us a chance to look both back as well as forward.

Attend the conference and celebrate IEEE Life member achievements—the shared experience will enhance all of our lives.

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