The joint meeting of the Region 8 LMAG and History Activities Committees in Budapest, Hungary, was a noteworthy event that underscored the importance of collective efforts.

The meeting was attended by 39 participants, including Region 8 officers, chairs of LM and HA committees, LMAG Chairs, and HA members. The IEEE Hungary Section hosted the meeting. The meeting was a rich blend of discussions, networking, and exploration of local research and historical sites:

The participants had the opportunity to visit two esteemed research laboratories: the Obuda University (OU) Research and Innovation Center and the Budapest University of Technology & Economics (BUTE) Module Hybrid Drive System Laboratory, offering unique insights into cutting-edge research.


They also explored two historical sites: the historical DC Substation of Budapesti Kozlekedesi (BKV), the main public transport operator in Budapest, and the Transport Museum of Budapest, which is the site of an IEEE Milestone commemorating the first underground metro line in Continental Europe, which was built in 1896.

Content provided by Peter Magyar