Join us in Austin, Texas on 14-16 April 2024 for this inaugural event!

Greeting from Austin postcardIEEE Life members come from many disciplines across the breadth and depth of the IEEE’s many societies. One intent of having a first-ever IEEE Life Members Conference is to provide an avenue to strengthen the engagement of IEEE’s 38,000 Life members in our collective future.

Life members believe strongly in giving back and paying forward. We serve as mentors to younger engineers and technical professionals. We also guide countless professionals and policymakers about technological changes and technology’s impact on society. We aspire to share over one million years of experience with the next generation of innovators, technical professionals, and the STEM community.

Some objectives of the IEEE Life Members Conference:

  • Recognize the experience and influence Life Members have on industry and the profession
  • Become more informed about new and emerging technologies in selected IEEE fields of interest
  • Collaborate on product development, research projects, and education initiatives
  • Network with other Life Members and industry-based technical professionals

Help us with our aspiration to share over one million years of experience with the next generation of innovators, technical professionals, and the STEM community. Become more informed about new and emerging technologies in selected IEEE fields of interest.

Conference Content

The content focus of the conference is on the ongoing evolution of technology, applications, and contributions—a set of processes that provide a constant background throughout the lives of IEEE Life members and impact our collective immediate and near-term futures. The conference content is organized around three topics: Aging Society and Technology Progress; Emerging Technologies; and Advancements in Smart Technologies, Space Commercialization, and Ethics.

Aging Society and Technology Progress Track

Aging society topicAccording to the United Nations, the number of people aged 60 or over will double by 2050, reaching approximately 22% of the global population. This aging population trend presents unique challenges for society, including increased demand for healthcare services, social support, and economic resources. In response to these challenges, technology is playing a critical role in advancing the well-being of the aging population. The “Aging Society and Technology Progress” track will address how new technologies have revolutionized social interaction and emerging technologies that are improving the quality of life for seniors.

Emerging Technologies Track

Emerging Technologies TrackThe world of emerging technologies is beginning to change how we live our lives. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, the speakers will share some exciting technologies and how they would revolutionize different fields and impact our lifestyles. The scope of the “Emerging Technologies” track will touch on a wide array of areas, including advances in Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Software, Semiconductors, Hydrogen Technology, Renewable Energy, and Electrical Vehicles.

Advancements in Smart Technologies, Space Commercialization, and Ethics Track

Advancements and Ethics TrackTechnologies enabling better infrastructure and enhancing the quality of human life have been achievable through the extraordinary growth of communications, computing power, and Artificial Intelligence. “The Advancements in  Smart Technologies, Space Commercialization, and Ethics” track will include sessions addressing Autonomous Transportation Systems, Space Tourism ventures, Smart systems, Smart cities, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the impact(s) that the evolution of technology has on ethics.

Share a Glimpse of the Future

You’ve helped invent and realize our collective technological progress to date. Join us in Austin on 14-16 April 2024 at the Hyatt Regency for this inaugural event. We are expecting about 275 to 350 participants. Registration will be limited. Come and share a glimpse of the future and where we are going next.

Stay tuned for the ongoing evolving details. Further details of the conference can be found on the IEEE Life Members Conference page and other social media channels.