Upcoming Events

IEEE TEMS/LMAG: “Regulating the Digital Space – Challenges in a Changing World Order” (DigHum-Series)

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/476896

We are pleased to invite you to our next event: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (17:00) Central European Summer Time (UTC+2) Topic: “Regulating the Digital Space - Challenges in a Changing World Order” (scroll down for abstract and CV) Panelists: Hans Akkermans (w4ra.org, the Netherlands), George Metakides (Digital Enlightenment Forum), Marc Rotenberg (Center ...

GE Clearwater Instrument Transformer Facility Tour

1925 Calumet Street, Clearwater, Florida, United States, 33765

The IEEE Florida West Coast Section Power & Energy Society/Industry Applications Society (PES/IAS), in partnership with GE Grid Solutions, invites you to an exclusive tour of the GE/ITI Clearwater Instrument Transformer Facility. This facility is GE’s primary manufacturing site for instrument transformers rated below 69 kV, producing over 500,000 dry-type transformers annually for utility and ...

Apr IEEE WNC Section ExCom Meeting

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/476367

Monthly Section ExCom Meeting typically scheduled on the first Friday of each month. IEEE WNC Section Executive Committee Meeting (Standard Agenda below) Held via Webex meeting Agenda: Agenda: 1. Welcome and call to order – Chair 2. Approve agenda – Officers 3. Meeting Minutes – Secretary 4. Officer and Position Reports: a. Chair: Kent Green ...

Microchip Atomic Clocks

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463443

The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating joint presentation by David Chandler and Bryan Owings on Microchip Atomic Clocks Atomic clocks have become so precise they can now measure thirty billion years with a one second uncertainty. Previously confined to national laboratories and academia, atomic clocks are now commonly deployed in real world applications ...

RF Basics Demo and Workshop for Young Engineers @Georgia Tech ECE

Room: The HIVE Makerspace, Bldg: Van Leer, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 777 Atlantic Dr NW, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 30332

Background: The IEEE Atlanta section and its AP/MTT, ComSoc, and IM/EMC chapters are hosting a RF basics demonstration and workshop event targeted at teaching undergraduate engineering students the basics of RF concepts and measurements! The world of RF is vast and stems to various technical and research fields, and we find it important to give ...

Officer Meeting 2025 #1

Paniglgasse 1 - 3, Vienna, Wien, Austria, 1040

Joint meeting between the ExCom and the Section Officers, Student Branch, and Chapter representatives. Agenda: Preliminary agenda: - TOP 1: Opening and roll call - TOP 2: Reports of the section chair and the treasurer - TOP 3: New officers / open positions - TOP 4: Reports of chapter, section, and affinity group officers - ...

AI and the Future of Healthcare: Ensuring Reliability and Safety

Room: The Mission Room, Alamo Cafe 281, 14250 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78232

Meals will be box lunch. There is a $10.00 charge for each registrant. Guests and non-members charge is $15.00 and Students are $5.00. Remainder of the tab will be picked up by the EMB and LMAG. Speaker(s): Dr. Tony Liang, Agenda: 11:30am: Business meeting: Call to order, minutes of last meeting, treasurer's report, new business, ...

Personal Technology Open Discussion and Lunch

Bldg Livermore, CA, United States

Join with other Life Member Affiliate Group members for a social outing with lunch and a moderated discussion where you can share your experiences with technologies including such topics as: a. bit coins, uses and problems b. devices for energy efficiency including solar systems c. video surveillance uses and systems d. how are you using ...

IEEE RRVS: April 2025 Meeting

Room: 1322, Bldg: Woodward Technology Center (WTC), 3301 N Mulford Rd,, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61114

Join us the IEEE RRVS CCS & IAS, WIE, YP, Life members chapter Meeting at 6pm. TITLE: TBD Program: TBD About the Speaker: TBD Agenda: 6:00 PM Gathering, Networking & Dinner 7:15 PM Presentation starts 8:30 PM Adjourn Room: 1322, Bldg: Woodward Technology Center (WTC), 3301 N Mulford Rd,, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61114

Tour of the Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing

1841 Airport Road 101 Baletka Blvd, Livingston, TX, United States

Joint meeting of EMB and LMAG with tour of the Central Texas Wing of the Commemorative Air Force in San Marcos. Box lunches. At the door, there is a $15.00 fee for Members, $20:00 for Guests and $5.00 for Students. We accept Cash or Check, no credit cards. Exact amounts preferable. Central Texas Wing Museum ...

EnergyWhiz 2025 STEM Annual Contest

Florida Solar Energy Center, 1679 Clearlake Road, , Cocoa,, Florida, United States, 32922

Please register to volunteer at EnergyWhiz. "EnergyWhiz is all about clean energy and creative kids. Hosted in Cocoa FL at FSEC, EnergyWhiz is a hybrid event with online and in-person elements designed to celebrate student learning through project-based competitions that showcase renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate science and resiliency." Please check: https://www.energywhiz.com/ or see the ...

Condition Based Monitoring

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464869

The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating presentation by Kevin Ruiz on CBM, Condition Based Monitoring. The four critical system health attributes to any electrical system include thermal, insulation, environmental, and mechanical reliability. Powell’s Condition-Based Monitoring components and system oversees all four of these critical elements. Real-time monitoring of asset health is key to ...

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