Events for March 14, 2025 › Meetings of Interest

Vancouver TALK 23: Some Insights on Railway Technology


Speaker: Paul Clegg, Retired Director of Network Transactions, Canadian Pacific Railway Abstract: The topics will include the following: · Why is standard gauge such an unusual measurement 4' 81/2"? · Backward compatibility - air brakes · The MacDonald Tunnel - ventilation for more than exhaust gas · Hybrid Locomotives - generating electricity from coal rolling ...

EPIC AI Failures; Two AI Medical Case studies, MYCIN and WATSON

Room: ED204, Bldg: Education Building , The College of New Jersey, Metzger Dr, Ewing, New Jersey, United States, 08618

EPIC AI Failures; Two AI Medical Case studies, MYCIN and WATSON Abstract: EPIC, describing AI Failures are carefully worded and selected and meant to consider the level of failure when understanding MYCIN, a significant and historical rules-based LISP expert system. MYCIN began in 1974 with a team of Stanford MD's and PhDs led by Bruce ...

T-1 (ED 115): Low Energy Sensor Platform – Leveraging Machine Learning

Room: ED115, Bldg: Education, The College of New Jersey, Metzger Dr, Ewing, New Jersey, United States, 08618

Low Energy Sensor Platform - Leveraging Machine Learning Abstract: Applications of embedded AI, specifically ML (Machine Learning) and object classification has been growing exponentially as decision logic moves to the edge. Proven advantages of low energy consumption, low costs, and independent target classification drive this implementation and is transforming smart city management, agriculture, medical, health ...

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