Events for February 16, 2025

Fighting Misinformation: Digital Literacy (#5)

Bldg Livermore

Lecture 5 of 6 (75 minutes each) on the topic of Fighting MisInformation: Digital Literacy, that is given at the North East Independent School District Community Education Center. A second topic is "Introduction to Formal Logic" 2 sessions, 75 minutes each). Video lectures with supplemental Information, also co-sponsored by the Academy of Learning in Retirement. ...

“Partial Discharge and How to Detect it”


The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating presentation by Dr. Ammar Kahn, Rugged Monitoring, which delves into the nuanced realm of online asset monitoring software and advance monitoring for AIS/GIS equipment, renewables and that includes transformers, switchgears, HV cables and breakers. Partial Discharge Monitoring in HV/MV Electrical Assets Dr. Ammar Khan Rugged Monitoring, Frank ...

Maximizing Number of Protons in Fusion Process Using Machine Learning

Room: Alumni Conference Room, Bldg: University Center, One Camino Santa Maria, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78228

Speaker Bio: Ethan Rodriguez is a student at St. Mary’s University, pursuing both undergraduate and master’s courses in software engineering, along with a minor in physics. Now entering his third year of undergraduate studies, Ethan recently completed a summer internship at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he worked in the Computational Research Division. During ...

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