Events for March 11, 2025

Binghamton ASQ & IEEE – Calibration Workshop – Dilip Shah – Sep 21, 2023

Room: 2008, Bldg: Engineering and Science, 85 Murray Hill Road, Vestal, New York, United States, 13850

When a calibration report is provided by a calibration supplier, a typical concern for the customer is to know if the item calibrated is within the tolerance specified so it can used without delay. While this traditional approach is still thought to be fine over the years, measurement science has evolved where it is not ...

Grand Rounds

Room: Private Dining Room, La Fonda Alamo Heights, 8633 Crownhill Blvd, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78209

Joint meeting with Engineering in Medicine and Biology, and the Life Members Affinity Group, both of the Lone Star Section, followed by a technical talk. Please note: There is a $10.00 charge for each registrant and guest. Remainder of the tab will be picked up by our Chapter. Speaker(s): Larry Higgins, Dr. Larry Higgin Agenda: ...

Creating HDTV Videos from your Photos

Bldg: Flanagan’s Ale House, 934 Baxter Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky, United States, 40204

Don’t keep your photos trapped in a little camera or cell phone. There are techniques for moving those photos to your computer. Then learn the process for creating a unique video of those photos and finally transporting the show to any Big-Screen (HD)TV. A 20-minute show will display samples of videos which have been created ...

Binghamton ASQ & IEEE – Professional Development Meeting – Dilip Shah – Sep 21, 2023

Room: Pay at the door, Bldg: The Spot Restaurant, 1062 Front Street, Binghamton, New York, United States, 13905

When a calibration report is provided by a calibration supplier, a typical concern for the customer is to know if the item calibrated is within the tolerance specified so it can used without delay. While this traditional approach is still thought to be fine over the years, measurement science has evolved where it is not ...

Careers in Tech – Hybrid – New York – Elisa Barney Smith


Join us virtually to welcome DVP Speaker Elisa Barney Smith as she presents her session on Applying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science to the Humanities: Applications of electrical engineering and computer science like software engineering, computer hardware, circuits and power grids are well known. The tools developed by engineers and scientists can also be applied ...

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