Upcoming Events

THREE GREAT ARTICLES FROM ACM TechNews, Monday, March 17, 2025 EDITION (AI Talks with Coffee/Tea No: 17 ON 03.22.2025)

Bldg: Starbucks, 6 Flagstone Dr, Hudson, New Hampshire, United States, 03051

Description: Lets discuss these 3 great articles with Tea/Coffee from IEEE Welcome to the March 17, 2025 edition of ACM TechNews, providing timely information for computer professionals three times a week. 1 in 4 U.S. Programming Jobs Vanish More than 25% of all computer programming jobs in the U.S. have disappeared in the past two ...

March CSC ExCom

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/474050

Coastal South Carolina March ExCom All are welcome to attend! Please join if you would like to be involved in our events, suggest one, or find out more information on section activities. Agenda: 0500 Roll call for Quorum 0505 Old business: past events, upcoming event reminders, updates on activities 0530 New business: activity suggestions, networking ...

March 2025 Central GA IEEE Meeting: 49th Dixie Crow Symposium Exhibitor Reception

Bldg: Century of Flight Hangar, 1942 Heritage Blvd, Robins AFB, Georgia, United States, 31098

Please consider joining the Central Georgia IEEE Section on Tuesday, March 25 2024, 1700-1900 at the Robins AFB Century of Flight Hangar, Museum of Aviation. The Dixie Crows Annual Symposium will be ongoing and their exhibitor reception is no cost to attend, though pre-registration is required here: https://www.dixiecrowsymposium.com/Registration-Options/Badge-Only-Attendee-Registration Bldg: Century of Flight Hangar, 1942 Heritage ...

IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 03.25.25 meeting: Where is AI headed? A brief summary in research progress in large language models.

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/476477

Over the past 5 years, large language models (LLMs) have gone from struggling with elementary school math to acing college math and science exams. How did we get here, and what's coming next? Co-sponsored by: IEEE CTS Consultants Network Speaker(s): Eric Price Agenda: 6:30 to 6:35 PM - Open for participants to enter and network. ...

Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members – La compatibilidad electromagnética y el sector del automóvil

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/472276

Presentación del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members - La compatibilidad electromagnética y el sector del automóvil. 19:00 Reunión del Grupo Español de IEEE Life Members 19:25 Introducción - Manuel Castro, chair del Grupo de Life Members en IEEE España. 19:30 "La compatibilidad electromagnética y el sector del automóvil", Francisco J. Arcega, Catedrático de Escuela ...

Product vision already at the stage of designing the scientific research

Room: room 230, Bldg: CENTER FOR MECHATRONICS, BIOMECHANICS, AND NANOENGINEERING, POZNAŃ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, ul. Jana Pawła II 24, 60-965 Poznań, Poland, Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland, 60-965, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/474362

At this meeting Professor Jan Ober will present a very interesting and important lecture entitled: “Product vision already at the stage of designing the scientific research” Subtitle: “Bioengineering systems with embedded knowledge” Abstract: When planning any, even basic scientific research, one should take into account the emerging product, in which all the accumulated physiological knowledge, ...

IEEE New Orleans Section, South Lake Life Member Meeting

Bldg: Mortan's Seafood Restaurant and Bar, 702 Water Street, Madisonville, Louisiana, United States, 70447

Luncheon social and business meeting attendees pay for their own lunch onion rings are on the house. After lunch meeting will commence updating attendees on current and future activities being proposed. Co-sponsored by: Thomas E. Slack, Jr., Chair North Lake Life Member Affinity Group Agenda: 12:00pm - 1200hr. Open with social and ordering lunch 12:30pm ...

IEEE RRVS: March 2025 Meeting

Room: 1322, Bldg: Woodward Technology Center (WTC), 3301 N Mulford Rd,, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61114

Join us the IEEE RRVS CCS & IAS, WIE, YP, Life members chapter Meeting at 6pm. TITLE: TBD Program: TBD About the Speaker: TBD Agenda: 6:00 PM Gathering, Networking & Dinner 7:15 PM Presentation starts 8:30 PM Adjourn Room: 1322, Bldg: Woodward Technology Center (WTC), 3301 N Mulford Rd,, Rockford, Illinois, United States, 61114

IEEE CTS LMAG-CTCN 03.27.25 meeting: 6G Communication Technology 2025 Update

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/474476

Sarah LaSelva, Chief Product Marketing Manager of NI will give a talk on the current state of 6G communication technology, the roadmap and challenge as well as her team's work in this area in NI, a subsidiary of Emerson Electric Co. Co-sponsored by: IEEE CTS Consultants Network Speaker(s): Sarah LaSelva Agenda: 6:30 to 6:35 PM ...

AI and the Future of Healthcare: Ensuring Reliability and Safety

San Antonio Museum of S&T Education Center, 5035 SW 36th St, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226

Meals will be box lunch. There is a $10.00 charge for each registrant. Guests and non-members charge is $15.00 and Students are $5.00. Remainder of the tab will be picked up by the EMB and LMAG. Speaker(s): Dr. Tony Liang, Agenda: 11:30am: Business meeting: Call to order, minutes of last meeting, treasurer's report, new business, ...

Building a 26 MHz to 1,7 GHz RF Spectrum Monitor and AM/FM/Digital Demodulators on a Tiny Ras Pi Zero 2W

Room: 113, Bldg: Educational , The College of New Jersey, 2000 Pennington Rd, Ewing, New Jersey, New Jersey, United States, 08618

Abstract: This amateur radio project was the most rewarding project I built recently and it is based upon the OpenWebRX+ Linux project found on github (https://luarvique.github.io/ppa/). This is a web-based SDR, which consists of a RF.server, which sends I/Q sampled data, at a typical 2,4 Mb rate (USB limits), via a TCP/IP connection to any ...

Al Katz’s Professional Life Story: Have Fun Every Day with Your Hobby while Building a Thriving Company

Room: 115, Bldg: Educational, The College of New Jersey, 2000 Pennington Rd, Ewing, New Jersey, New Jersey, United States, 08618

Abstract: This presentation is to be more than a list of all Al's significant accomplishments as an educator, microwave expert, electronics business owner, amateur radio and EME hobbyist ,but more of what I learned from Al as his friend who shared interest in many of his hobbies. It became clear to me over the 25+ ...

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