Engineers often get a bad wrap as being committed to their profession but not to leadership. Leadership is the number one key to building successful organizations and teams and can also be a key to gaining acceptance of ideas. Leaders are a major influence on the culture in which people work, on how people are treated, and how things get done. Engineers can be excellent, high impact leaders who make a difference in lives and organizations. However, to do so they must be committed leaders as well as committed engineers and become students of how to lead and bring out the best in people, teams, and organizations. This session will provide a practical understanding of the importance of skilled leadership, the impact leaders can have, and the critical skills engineers need to learn to be leaders committed to making a difference.
Speaker(s): Dr Don Warrick, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change,
10:00 am – 10:45 am (Mountain Time): Introduction and Presentation by Dr Don Warrick
10:45 am – 11:00 am (Mountain Time): Questions