IEEE 2025 SoutheastCon & Leadership Opportunities at ENCS ExCom Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Please join us on Webex Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. to:
– Hear Charles Lord discuss SoutheastCon 2025
– Learn steps from Joe Pennisi to choose 2025 Leaders
– Sign up to volunteer at the Pullen Park Family Gathering
– Help the NC Eastern Section of IEEE bestow Awards & Recognition to members
– Become a part of the IEEE Team
Everyone is welcome to come hear about opportunities to apply their skills and enthusiasm to growing a new team focused on members.
IEEE EXCOM Committee All section officers, and the chairs of the chapters, affinities, committees and subsection are expected to attend. Other interested members and guests are welcome. Advance registration is preferred.
The July 10, 2024 ExCom Meeting is a VIRTUAL Webex meeting only. Therefore, the meeting will begin at 6 PM. See Link on event site.
Meeting Schedule:
6:00 PM Agenda
7:30 PM Adjourn
Please register so that your participation can count toward our Regional attendance. Your participation does make a difference.
We need you to help us transition to new leadership, honor and recognize member achievements, help with SoutheastCon 2025 and communicate with members. Work DIRECTLY with today's leaders to create a new leadership role.
Here is a useful link for the MGA operations manual:
IEEE Eastern North Carolina Section Executive Committee
Hybrid Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, 07/10/2024
The Agenda will be updated with more detail prior to the meeting, so check back.
6:00 pm Convene Executive Committee (ExCom) (Magruder)
Greetings & Introductions (Magruder)
Confirm Voting ExCom Member Attendance (Proudlove)
Recognize Substitutes for Absent Voting Members (Proudlove)
Review / Adjust / Approve Agenda (Magruder)
Review / Approve Minutes of Past Meetings (Proudlove)
Financial Reports if needed (Pennisi)
Meetings, Events and Approvals (Magruder)
– SoutheastCon 2025: Opportunity to work with Charles Lord & Robotics Competitions
– Election Committee and Slate of Candidates
– August 17 Summer Picnic at Pullen Community Center: Sign-up Sheet
– Other Upcoming Events
Old or New Business (Magruder)
– Update on Requests:
– NC Council (Joe Pennisi)
– ​IEEE Region Support for PELS Chapter Lecturer Event (Sneha Narasimhan)
– Funding Request: Grant Proposal (Abhinav Aggarwal)​
– Call for Nominations & Awards Update: Abhinav Aggarwal
– Web Updates
– Leadership Updates: Optional
– Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Chair: Tulika Jha
– Computer Society: Geeta Nadella
– Life Member Affinity Group: Clay Cranford
– NCSU Chapter Chair: Mario Nava
– Nominations & Appointments Chair: Joe Pennisi
– Power Electronics Society: Jonathan DeMay
– Student Activities Group: Sneha Narasimhan
– Technology & Engineering Management Society (TEMS): Megha Ben
– Women in Engineering Affinity Group: Eve Klopf
– Young Professionals Affinity Group: Prakhar Lohiya
< 7:30 pm Adjourn ExCom Meeting (Magruder)

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