This talk will present integration of nuclear-renewable to support energy infrastrutures. Different coupling mechanisms will be presented to support different installtions and user requirements. Design and operation strategies and different technologies will be illsutrated to deploy nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems and their use for different applications in city, urban, and remote communities. Performance measures are proposed to evaluate different strategies. The talk will include techno-economic evaluation of interconnected nuclear-renewable micro hybrid energy systems with combined heat and power, and their impact on number of implementation strategies. Stratgies will be illustrated to deploy nuclear- renewable hybrid energy system (N-R HES), with considerations on scalability, capital cost, project lifetime, and other implementation parameters. Nuclear technologies will be presented, including Small Modular Reactor (SMR) or Micro Modular Reactor (MMR), as integrated wihitn micro energy grids. Resiliency and performance measures will be discussed in view of number of operation and control strategies to meet user requirements.
Dr. Hossam A. Gabbar is a Distinguished Lecturer for NPSS. To learn more about NPSS-
Speaker(s): Hossam,