An IEEE Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG) is a group of Life Members within a Section who get together to meet regularly, enjoy periodic social or technical discussions, and do outreach projects within your community to mentor the next generation of technical innovators. 144 LMAGs have already been formed in all Regions of the world.
Palm Beach section with 242 Life Members is the 3rd largest group of Life Members in Region 3 so is easily capable of forming an LMAG. In addition to normal IEEE funding associated with Chapters and Affinity Groups, the Life Member Committee provides up to $2000 annually to support your LMAG Activities.
This kickoff meeting is being sponsored by Palm Beach Section Chair, Hari Kalva and former Life Member Committee vice-chair and Palm Beach Life Member, Maxine Cohen. Speakers will include LMAG Activities Coordinator, David Bondurant, and LIfe Member Region 3 Coordinator, Jacob Kulangara.
In the first 30-minutes, we hope to introduce the Palm Beach Life Members to the LMAG organization around the world, highlight some of the activities that other LMAG enjoy and describe the petition process that forms a new LMAG. An LMAG can be formed in Palm Beach section with just 6 electronic signatures and a small group of Life Members that are willing to organize the LMAG committee for your area.
Following the introductions, we would hope to get to know the Palm Beach Life Members by introducing ourselves to each other during the second 30-minutes.
Speaker(s): David,
Welcome by Palm Beach Section Chair, Hari Kalva
Welcome by Maxine Cohen, Palm Beach Life Member
Overview of LMAG Activities Worldwide, David Bondurant
LMAG Petition Process, Jacob Kulangara
Getting to Know Palm Beach Life Members