ASAP Email Tom Madsen <[email protected]> to get the Zoom link to the meeting.
This is a joint meeting of the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers and IEEE Life Members.
The May meeting of the Edmonton Chapter of CSSE will be held on Thursday May 18. The Meeting will open at 12:30 pm, with the presentation starting at 12:45. The meeting will be held via the Zoom platform, with the actual invitations sent the afternoon of Wednesday May 17. If you plan to attend and be included on the Zoom invite for this meeting please respond to Tom Madsen, [email protected], before noon on May 17.
The Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Alberta is a joint effort between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. The University is also the host site for the National Research Council’s National Institute of Nanotechnology. Together these entities create a critical mass for research in nanomedicine.
Nanomedicine involves drug delivery using nanopolymers and aerosols to promote bone and tissue regeneration and the development of improved diagnostic tools including MEMS and NEMS. Wound healing and disease diagnosis are areas of active research.
Silver, and specifically silver ions Ag+, are known to be beneficial in the treatment of wounds. In the mid 1990s, nanotechnology provided an opportunity to develop a new silver delivery system that released biologically active species other than Ag+. Nanocrystalline silver releases multiple species into solution which have different biological properties than Ag+. In vitro, in vivo and clinical studies have clearly demonstrated that this new form of silver has unique anti-inflammatory and anti microbial properties.
Nanotechnology can not only change the chemical properties of a material but also its optical properties. Current work using these modified optical properties is aimed at point of care diagnostics which require no amplification and can be read by eye. Such developments would make it possible to see molecules as small as 2nm on a surface.
The speaker will discuss the use of nanotechnology in the treatment of current medical problems.
Co-sponsored by: Canadian Society of Senior Engineers
Speaker(s): Dr Robert E. Burrell, AOE, CSM, PhD, FCAHS, FNAIDr.