The scrolls of Herculaneum were sealed away in 79 AD, when the eruption of Mount Vesuvius buried Herculaneum and nearby Pompeii in many meters of mud, rock, and ash. Discovered in the 18th century, these scrolls represent the only surviving library from antiquity. Charred and brittle, the scrolls are too fragile to be opened physically, and many hundreds remain unopened and unread. This talk will present the modern, noninvasive efforts to reveal the contents of the scrolls. After two decades of development, techniques combining X-ray CT imaging, software, and machine learning are enabling the scrolls to be read for the first time.
Speaker(s): Stephen Parsons,
6:00 PM – Reception with Cash Bar
7:00 PM – Dinner
7:30 PM – Presentation
Menu: Dinner Buffet, Cash Bar
Price: $25 members and guests. $5 students. Pay at the door. Cash or Check.
RSVP: Dan Cambron, Chair Lexington Section. Please RSVP to (mailto:[email protected]) no later than Nov. 29th.
Please note that we must pay for all dinners that we reserve.
Bldg: University of Louisville Golf Club, 401 Champions Way, Simpsonville, Kentucky, United States, 40067