LMAG Tulsa ExCom September 21 2022

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The IEEE Tulsa Life Member Afinity Group Executive Committee (ExC0m) will have a brief luncheon meeting prior to the LMAG Tulsa Historical Society meeting on Wednesday, September 21 2022. The location will be the Wildflower Cafe at 1306 E 11th St. in Tulsa. That is the southeast corner of 11th and Peoria directly west of the Meadow Gold sign and parking lot on Historic Route 66.
Members and guests are invited to come early to join in on the ExCom. Our agenda is brief, just to discuss any developements since the previous (June 22) ExCom. LMAG will cover costs above $5 per person. We will need to adjourn promtly to move to the Tulsa Historical Society site of the 2 pm membership meeting. Please prerigister via this vtool announcement or voice or text to Bob Strataan at 918 724-2435 or r.strattan@ieee.org so we can arrange for adaquate seating.
The current Tulsa LMAG officers are Chair Gerry Kane gearld.kane@swbell.net, Vice Chair Edwin "Bud" Averill elaverill3@yahoo.com and Secretary/Treasurer Robert "Bob" Strattan r.strattan@ieee.org 918 724-2435.
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Brief business meeting of the LMAG ExCom during lunch
2:00 pm adjourn to move to LMAG meeting at the Tulsa Histotical Society, Cafe closes
Room: Suite F, Bldg: Wildflower Cafe, 1306 E 11th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, 74120

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