We are sharing a guest speaker, Dr Nishad Mendis, with the QUT PECT group. The topic is one that should be of interest to all EE professionals, irrespective of field of interest. Our speaker will joint us, virtually, from Sydney. Following the talk your convenor would like to have a brief discussion about future general-interest topics for meetings of our LMAG in 2023. Refreshments will be available on the QUT Gardens Point Campus.
Abstract: Australia is on its track to becoming the renewable energy superpower globally. Aging coal retirements, falling cost of renewable energies, and government commitment to emission reductions provide more certainty for the renewable energy project developers to penetrate into the electricity grid. Though integrating renewable energy into the grid is promising, it presents some challenges which need to be addressed to ensure system security and reliability. In this regard, energy storage is a viable solution to operate the grid resiliently. The presentation discusses the role of the energy storage system as the enabler of renewable energy uptake and how it helps achieve Net Zero targets by 2050.
Biography: Nishad Mendis is currently working as the National Sales and Engineering Leader for Bureau Veritas, Australia. Prior to this, he worked for DNV as a Senior Electrical Engineer, Eltek as the Solution Engineer, Alstom grid as a Design and Commissioning Engineer for HV substations. Nishad completed his PhD from the University of Wollongong (2012), MBA from the Anaheim University USA (2020), and bachelor’s degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (2005). He is currently serving as a Board Member for IEEE IAS Executive USA, an Honorary Fellow for School of Electrical Engineering for Deakin University, and an industry advisory board member for Federation University. Also, he is serving as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversions.
Room: S12-01, Bldg: S-block, QUT Gardens Point Campus, BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia