5G has influenced the worldwide co-evolution of multiple standards in diverse areas and driven advances in various sectors, including telemedicine, smart grids, transportation, factories, satellite, IoT, and many others. The modern 5G wireless internet requires the integration of service-based applications, transport protocols, IP networks, and Radio Access, with quality of service vertically integrated by current 3GPP cellular protocols. As the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and 3GPP frame future capability beyond 5G, 6G wireless research ushers in an era of application scenarios involving Enhanced Mobile Broadband Plus (eMBB-Plus), Ultra-High- Speed with Low Latency Communications (uHSLLC), Secure Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (SURLLC). Emerging 6G trends also point towards an intelligence era across multiple 6G protocol stack layers. This presentation gives an overview of 5G evolution and what's next in 6G.
Speaker(s): , Brian Kelly
6:00 to 6:10 PM – Open for participants to enter and network.
6:10 to 6:20 PM – IEEE LM and CTCN Business meeting and to introduce speaker.
6:20 to 7:30 PM – Formal Program and Q&A.
Room: 1, Austin, Texas, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/362156