Please join us for the March meeting of the Canaveral Section Executive Committee! We are invitiing the LMAG to join this meeting, which will primarily be covering planning events for the year. And of course, pizza comes with that because you can't plan anything on an empty stomach.
A complete agenda will be posted in updates to this Event. The meeting is slotted for 6 PM to 8 PM and guests are welcome any time. However, we will end the meeting earlier if we complete all business.
Please register for this in-person meeting; we will be meeting at Kelsey’s Pizza in Rockledge, and dinner for attendees will be covered by IEEE. If any officers or representatives can’t make this meeting please let us know.
As of March 1. This agenda is subject to change.
1. Introductions, contacts, and member exchanges
2. Approval of agenda
3. Old Business:
(a) Officer reports
(b) Special representative reports
4. New business
(a) Near term upcoming events / calendar (next 6 months)
(b) Next Canaveral Section meeting
5. Open Floor / New Topics for discussion
6. Adjourn / Closing Remarks
Kelsey's Pizza, 1954 US Highway 1, Rockledge, Florida, United States, 32955