Artificial Intelligence Trends and Trials

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“AI Trends and Trials”
“Know nothing about AI?”, or “Know lots about AI!”, or “Somewhere in between?”
Then you are the perfect person to join our LMAG group members and guests for lunch, lots of informal information sharing, and "hands-on" sessions where we explore some of the AI applications, how to use them, and how to avoid misusing them. If you’ve been interested in this new world of AI, then this will be a great opportunity to learn, enjoy some camaraderie, and have some fun!
We’ll have a brief overview of the state of AI, have some mobile phones and laptops ready for us to demo and challenge various generative AI Apps like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude, and Microsoft Copilot. Bring your favorite and share your experience and expertise.
Hosted by the IEEE OEB-LMAG Executive Board.
Meeting and lunch. Buffet or order from menu depending on upon the number of registrants. Subsidized fee for OEB Life Members is $15, for IEEE non-members the fee is $25.
Bldg: Golf course restaurant, Beeb's Sports Bar and Grill, 915 Clubhouse Drive, Livermore, California, United States

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