"A Nuclear Reactor that does not Operate like a Nuclear Reactor"

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The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating joint presentation by Brendon Ouimette and Will McKain on "A Nuclear Reactor that does not Operate like a Nuclear Reactor" nicknamed "Microreactor".
Join speakers from Westinghouse's microreactor team as they discuss the eVinci microreactor, a small-footprint, above-ground reactor designed to simplify everything about nuclear power generation.
For brief visual description of the program login into this website: ](https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.westinghousenuclear.com__;!!MLsdJ25-fIk!sPhtRzjz1_GGdjMVyfVtOGRoiiwBRD2L6L9gnXnPJL5DdFDrERjh04-GtHz0KZO5aeD40b55ATsTdnxy_G1qz1q3ntCG2Bt5rw8$)
scroll down to "eVinci™ Microreactor" button, click button and select watch Video.
Please email (mailto:[email protected]) after attending the event if you want a PDH certificate.
Contact Roy lee brown if you cannot log in: 205-842-6761 or email for help.
I will email you a Link that works for me.
We look forward to you joining us and sharing this exciting program.
Co-sponsored by: Brendon Ouimette
Speaker(s): Brendon Ouimette, Will McKain,
4:00 PM Presentation
5:00 PM – Adjourn
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/448059

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