Broadcast to the SmartPhone

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Remote Meeting of the Poland Section Life Members Affinity Group
September 25, 2024, 12:30-13:00
Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich H. Reimers
Broadcast to the SmartPhone
Today´s universal personal media hub is the SmartPhone. Taking advantage of its enormous data processing capabilities, the built-in multi-GigaByte memory and its connectivity to the outside world via WiFi, 4G or 5G cellular networks, and Bluetooth, it serves nearly all media-consumption scenarios conceivable. Well, the screen sizes are limited and high-quality listening requires headphones. In view of the role of SmartPhones and its features, industry forecasts indicate that the large majority of data consumed via the device will be video (and audio mostly to go with it). In view of these predictions: Is there a good reason to enhance the traditional multi-cell cellular networks by an overarching broadcast layer addressing SmartPhones in order to relieve those networks from the video avalanche? The presentation will give an overview of R&D activities in this field, present the state of the art typically called “5G Broadcast” and its possible future enhancements.
Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich H. Reimers studied communication engineering at Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany. Following research at the university’s Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik (IfN – Institute for Communications Technology) he joined BTS Broadcast Television Systems in Darmstadt. Between 1989 and 1993 he was Technical Director of Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) in Hamburg – one of the major public broadcasters in Germany. From 1993 until 2020 he has been a Professor at Technische Universitaet Braunschweig and Managing Director of the Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik (Institute for Communications Technology). Prof. Reimers was chairman of the Technical Module within the DVB Project from 1993 to 2012. From 2012 to 2020 he was Vice President Strategic Development and Technology Transfer of Technische Universitaet Braunschweig. He is the author of more than 120 publications, among others of various text books on DVB. Prof. Reimers received a significant number of international and national awards. He is an IEEE Life Fellow and the recipient of the IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award. Since 2023, Prof. Reimers is the chairman of the IEEE Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) Germany.
Co-sponsored by: Poland Section Life Members Affinity Group

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