Come and join us for lunch at The Bavarian at Manly Wharf on Tuesday 5 November.
Being at the wharf, you can come by ferry from Circular Quay or by 144 bus from Chatswood or 199 bus from Palm Beach.
It is 7 years since we have had a lunch at Manly, which was at the Whitewater on the ocean side.
Details about the restaurant can be found at
These are casual and informal events. An opportunity to discuss engineering and unrelated topics.
Make it as an opportunity to get out, enjoy the company and the food. As usual, it is pay for yourself.
The Section is making these lunches a regular event. There are a number of people who take this opportunity to see the sights of Sydney using public transport.
The lunches are every two weeks, subject to suitable venues being found. Please let me know if you have a suitable venue in your area. The day of the week is flexible, even weekends are possible. I know some are unable to attend the lunches, dinners could be arranged if there is enough interest. Your thoughts and assistance in planning for 2025 events would be welcomed. I am considering having a Saturday or Sunday lunch out of the metropolitan area once a month. I need suggested venues.
The next lunch, our end of year lunch, will be on (
Hope to see you at the Bavarian or one of our future luncheons.
Speaker(s): , , ,
Manly Wharf, Manly, New South Wales, Australia, 2095