Join us November 12, at 5:30 PM at XUL Brewing Company 10677 Hardin Valley Rd, Knoxville, TN 37932 for an IEEE East Tennessee Section meeting.
Our speakers will be Thomas "Tom" Karnowski, the current East Tennessee Section Chair, and Bruce Webb, Senior Engineer at KUB. Tom will introduce himself and invite us all to help revitalize our section. Bruce will speak about his career at Knoxville Utility Board and personal experience with IEEE.
Registration is open to all section members including students, but is limited to 30 people due the meeting space size. Dinner will be provided from Don Gallo Mexican Grill and drinks will be available for your purchase from XUL. Please sign up soon and indicate any dietary considerations.
We look forward to meeting you all and working together to revitalize our section!
Austin Albright, IEEE East TN Section Treasurer
Speaker(s): Tom Karnowski, Bruce Webb
XUL Brewing Company, 10677 Hardin Valley Rd, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 37932