Joint hybrid meeting of the Poland Section LMAG, the Student Branch and YP Committees of the Poznan University of Technology as well as the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan. Presentations and discussion. Global LM Mentoring Event: The role of the young people in the current changing social, economic and political environment.
Co-sponsored by: Poznan University of Technology
Speaker(s): Adam Dabrowski, Péter Magyar, Tomasz Szmuc, Karolina Bronczyk, Maria Haris, Jakub Suder, Kacper Podbucki, Piotr Goral
Global LM Mentoring Event: The role of the young people in the current changing social, economic and political environment:
1) Presentations
2) Discussion
Room: 230 (Seminar room), Bldg: ul. Jana Pawła II 24, POLITECHNIKA POZNAŃSKA, CENTRUM MECHATRONIKI, BIOMECHANIKI I NANOINŻYNIERII, Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Poland, 60-965, Virtual: