The IEEE Alabama Section eagerly anticipates an illuminating joint presentation by Sudip Manandhar and Joseph Marcrum on "A Future with Inverter-Based Resources and Operational Challenges".
The generation fleet in North America, much like in other parts of the world, is undergoing significant changes. In North America alone, the number of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) has increased dramatically compared to 10-12 years ago. Southern Company's generation fleet is also gradually transitioning from synchronous machines to inverter-based technology. Between 2017 and 2023, Southern Company significantly transformed its generation fleet by converting to natural gas, with a corresponding increase in Inverter-Based Resources. Projections indicate a substantial rise in Inverter-Based Resources by 2030, making them a predominant part of our generation resource mix. In this presentation, we will discuss about Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) and the system challenges associated with increased IBR penetration.
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Co-sponsored by: Sudip Manandhar
Speaker(s): Sudip Manandhar, PE, Joseph Marcrum, PE,
4:00 PM Presentation
5:00 PM – Adjourn